Шифр: МР29/2005/1

Международный журнал медицинской практики [Текст]. - М. : МЕДИА СФЕРА, 1996 - . - ISSN 10278265. - Виходит раз на два місяця
2005р. N 1 . - 36.52, р.
Таран, Д. Межрегиональная общественная организация содействия общественному здравоохранению / Д. Таран. - С.6.
Черниенко, Е. И. О деятельности Общероссийской Ассоциации врачей общей практики (семейных врачей) / Е.И. Черниенко. - С.7-8.
Власов, В. Что сделало Кокрейновское сотрудничество за 10 лет? / В. Власов. - С.9-11.
Власов, В. Новости Кокрейновского сотрудничества / В. Власов. - С.10-11.
Вульф, Х. Р. История развития клинического мышления / Х.Р. Вульф. - С.12-20.
Ланг, Т. Двадцать ошибок статистического анализа, которые Вы сами можете обнаружить в биомедицинских статьях / Т. Ланг. - С.21-31.
Бащинский, С. Е. Качество российских научных публикаций, посвященных лечебным и профилактическим вмешательствам / С.Е. Бащинский. - С.32-36.
Современное состояние проблемы оценки качества медицинской помощи. - С.37-41.
Плавинский, С. Л. Социальные факторы и рост смертности в России в 90-х годах ХХ века: проспективное когортное исследование / С.Л. Плавинский, С.И. Плавинская. - С.42-45.
Андреев, Е. М. Оценка продолжительности жизни / Е.М. Андреев. - С.46-49.
Данишевский, К. Динамика смертности в России в конце ХХ века: взгляд изнутри и из-за рубежа / К. Данишевский. - С.50-53.
Власов, В. Действует ли плацебо? / В. Власов. - С.54-55.
James, T. Обзор: при аллергическом рините использование антагонистов лейкотриена менее эффективно, чем интраназальное применение кортикостероидных препаратов / T. James. - С.56-57.
Обзор: при постановке диагноза кандидозного, бактериального и трихомонадного вагинита прогностическая ценность местных субъективных и объективных симптомов невысока. - С.58-59.
У больных с сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями или относящихся к группе риска гиполипидемическая терапия с использованием симвастатина снижает частоту возникновения инсульта. - С.59-60.
У больных, госпитализированных в отделения интенсивной терапии, гидратация с использованием раствора альбумина по сравнению с изотоническим раствором натрия хлорида не влияет на уровень смертности через 28 суток. - С.61-62.
При обострении бронхиальной астмы увеличение дозы ингаляционных кортикостероидных препаратов в 2 раза не оказывает дополнительного положительного эффекта. - С.62-63.
Пероральный прием эритромицина и риск внезапной сердечной смерти. - С.64.
Микронутриенты и их взаимодействие . - С.64-68.
Антиоксиданты для профилактики рака желудочно-кишечного тракта. - С.68-69.
Препараты йода для профилактики заболеваний, связанных с дефицитом йода у детей. - С.69-70.
Омега-3 жирные кислоты в профилактике и лечении сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний. - С.70.
Витамин С в профилактике простудных заболеваний . - С.71.
Лихтерман, Б. Секса по-прежнему нет / Б. Лихтерман. - С.72-73.
Є примірники у відділах: всього 1 : ЧЗ (1)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1)

    James, T.
    Обзор: при аллергическом рините использование антагонистов лейкотриена менее эффективно, чем интраназальное применение кортикостероидных препаратов [Текст] / T. James // Междунар. журн. мед. практики. - 2005. - N 1. - С. 56-57.



Примірників всього: 1
ЧЗ (1)
Свободны: ЧЗ (1)

Шифр: AS12/2009/16/5

Annals of Surgical Oncology [Електронний ресурс]. - N. Y. : Springer. - ISSN 15344681. - Виходить щомісячно
2009р. Vol. 16 N 5
Curley, Steven A. Assessment Tools in the Training of Surgical Oncologists: Educating Trainees and Educators / S. A. Curley. - P.1085-1087
Winchester, Winchester David J. Preoperative Needle Biopsy: Reasonable Targets, Benchmarking, and Quality Care in the Treatment of Breast Cancer / D. J. Winchester, David P. Winchester. - P.1088-1089
Whitacre, Eric. The Importance of Measuring the Measures / E. Whitacre. - P.1090-1091
Balch, Charles M. Microscopic Satellites Around a Primary Melanoma: Another Piece of the Puzzle in Melanoma Staging / C. M. Balch. - P.1092-1094
Beasley, Georgia M. Optimizing Regional Therapy for Melanoma / G. M. Beasley, D. S. Tyler. - P.1095-1097
Belghiti, Jacques. Portal Vein Occlusion Prior to Extensive Resection in Colorectal Liver Metastasis: A Necessity Rather than an Option! / J. Belghiti, L. Benhaim. - P.1098-1099
Use of a Novel, Web-Based Educational Platform Facilitates Intraoperative Training in a Surgical Oncology Fellowship Program. - P.1100-1107
Інші автори: Roach P. B., Roggin K. K., Selkov E., Posner M. C., Silverstein J. C.
Preoperative Needle Biopsy as a Potential Quality Measure in Breast Cancer Surgery. - P.1108-1111
Інші автори: Pocock B., Taback B., Klein L., Joseph K. A., El-Tamer M.
Ki-67 Expression Gives Additional Prognostic Information on St. Gallen 2007 and Adjuvant! Online Risk Categories in Early Breast Cancer. - P.1112-1121
Інші автори: Jung S.-Y., Han W., Lee J. W., Ko E., Kim E., Yu J.-H., Moon H.-G., Park I. A., Oh D.-Y., Im S.-A., Kim T.-Y., Hwang K.-T., Kim S.-W., Noh D.-Y.
Modified Wise-Pattern Reduction Mammaplasty, a New Tool for Upper Quadrantectomies: A Preliminary Report. - P.1122-1127
Інші автори: Santanelli F., Paolini G., Campanale A., Longo B., Amanti C.
Validation of a Nomogram to Predict the Risk of Nonsentinel Lymph Node Metastases in Breast Cancer Patients with a Positive Sentinel Node Biopsy: Validation of the MSKCC Breast Nomogram. - P.1128-1135
Інші автори: Parra R.F.D. van la, Ernst M. F., Bevilacqua J. L. B., Mol S. J. J., Zee K. J. Van, Broekman J. M., Bosscha K.
Good Prediction of the Likelihood for Sentinel Lymph Node Metastasis by Using the MSKCC Nomogram in a German Breast PopulationCancer. - P.1136-1142
Інші автори: Klar M., Foeldi M., Markert S., Gitsch G., Stickeler E., Watermann D.
Measurement of Uterine Radiation Exposure from Lymphoscintigraphy Indicates Safety of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy during Pregnancy. - P.1143-1147
Інші автори: Spanheimer P. M., Graham M. M., Sugg S. L., Scott-Conner C. E.H., Weigel R. J.
Sentinel Node Biopsy in Breast Cancer Patients with Large or Multifocal Tumors. - P.1148-1155
Інші автори: Meretoja T. J., Leidenius M. H., Heikkila P. S., Joensuu H.
Additional Tracer Injection to Improve the Technical Success Rate of Lymphoscintigraphy for Sentinel Node Biopsy in Breast Cancer. - P.1156-1163
Інші автори: Heuts E. M., Ent F.W. C. van der, Pol H.A. G. van der, Meyenfeldt M. F. von, Voogd A. C.
Intraoperative Ultrasound Versus Mammographic Needle Localization for Ductal Carcinoma In Situ. - P.1164-1169
Інші автори: James T. A., Harlow S., Sheehey J. J., Hart M., Gaspari C., Stanley M., Krag D., Ashikaga T., McCahill L. E.
Axillary Staging by Percutaneous Biopsy: Sensitivity of Fine-Needle Aspiration Versus Core Needle Biopsy. - P.1170-1175
Інші автори: Rao R., Lilley L., Andrews V., Radford L., Ulissey M.
Microscopic Satellitosis in Patients with Primary Cutaneous Melanoma: Implications for Nodal Basin Staging. - P.1176-1183
Інші автори: Kimsey T. F., Cohen T., Patel A., Busam K. J., Brady M. S.
Factors Predictive of Acute Regional Toxicity After Isolated Limb Infusion with Melphalan and Actinomycin D in Melanoma Patients. - P.1184-1192
Інші автори: Kroon H. M., Moncrieff M., Kam P. C. A., Thompson J. F.
Isolated Limb Infusion as Palliative Treatment for Advanced Limb Disease in Patients with AJCC Stage IV Melanoma. - P.1193-1201
Інші автори: Kroon H. M., Lin D.-Y., Kam P. C. A., Thompson J. F.
Long-Term Survival and Disease Recurrence Following Portal Vein Embolisation Prior to Major Hepatectomy for Colorectal Metastases. - P.1202-1207
Інші автори: Pamecha V., Glantzounis G., Davies N., Fusai G., Sharma D., Davidson B.
A Marking Technique for Intraoperative Localization of Small Liver Metastases Before Systemic Chemotherapy. - P.1208-1211
Інші автори: Zalinski S., Abdalla E. K., Mahvash A., Vauthey J.-N.
Crossing the Rubicon: When Pancreatic Resection with Curative Intent Ends in an R2 Status. - P.1212-1221
Інші автори: Bockhorn M., Cataldegirmen G., Kutup A., Marx A., Burdelski C., Vashist J. K., Mann O., Liebl L., Koig A., Izbicki J. R., Yekebas E. F.
Tumor-Associated Lymphangiogenesis Correlates with Prognosis after Resection of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma. - P.1222-1230
Інші автори: Thelen A., Jonas S., Benckert C., Weichert W., Schott E., Bocher C., Dietz E., Wiedenmann B., Neuhaus P., Scholz A.
Preoperative Serum CA19-9 and Dissected Peripancreatic Tissue Margin as Determiners of Long-Term Survival in Pancreatic Cancer. - P.1231-1240
Інші автори: Waraya M., Yamashita K., Katagiri H., Ishii K., Takahashi Y., Furuta K., Watanabe M.
Therapeutic Value of Lymph Node Dissection in Advanced Gastric Cancer with Macroscopic Duodenum Invasion: Is the Posterior Pancreatic Head Lymph Node Dissection Beneficial?. - P.1241-1246
Інші автори: Tokunaga M., Ohyama S., Hiki N., Fukunaga T., Inoue H., Yamada K., Sano T., Yamaguchi T., Nakajima T.
Impact of Chemotherapy on the Accuracy of Computed Tomography Scan for the Evaluation of Colorectal Liver Metastases. - P.1247-1253
Інші автори: Angliviel B., Benoist S., Penna C., Hajjam M. E., Chagnon S., Beauchet C. J. A., Rougier P., Nordlinger B.
Liver Resection with Portal Vein Thrombectomy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma With Vascular Invasion. - P.1254
Інші автори: Aldrighetti L., Pulitano C., Catena M., Arru M., Guzzetti E., Halliday J., Ferla G.
Accuracy of Endoscopic Ultrasound to Diagnose Nodal Invasion by Rectal Cancers: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review. - P.1255-1265
Інші автори: Puli S. R., Reddy J. B. K., Bechtold M. L., Choudhary A., Antillon M. R., Brugge W. R.
Oncologic Outcomes After Radical Surgery Following Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy for Locally Advanced Lower Rectal Cancer: Abdominoperineal Resection Versus Sphincter-Preserving Procedure. - P.1266-1273
Інші автори: Kim J. S., Hur H., Kim N. K., Kim Y. W., Cho S. Y., Kim J. Y., Min B. S., Ahn J. B., Keum K. C., Kim H., Sohn S. K., Cho C. H.
Full Robotic Left Colon and Rectal Cancer Resection: Technique and Early Outcome. - P.1274-1278
Інші автори: Luca F., Cenciarelli S., Valvo M., Pozzi S., Faso F. L., Ravizza D., Zampino G., Sonzogni A., Biffi R.
Laparoscopic Rectal Resection for Cancer: Effects of Conversion on Short-Term Outcome and Survival. - P.1279-1286
Інші автори: Rottoli M., Bona S., Rosati R., Elmore U., Bianchi P. P., Spinelli A., Bartolucci C., Montorsi M.
Identification of High-Risk Stage II Colorectal Tumors by Combined Analysis of the NDRG1 Gene Expression and the Depth of InvasionTumor. - P.1287-1294
Інші автори: Strzelczyk B., Szulc A., Rzepko R., Kitowska A., Skokowski J., Szutowicz A., Pawelczyk T.
F-FDG-PET/CT to Select Patients with Peritoneal Carcinomatosis for Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy. - P.1295-1303
Інші автори: Pfannenberg C., Konigsrainer I., Aschoff P., Oksuz M. O., Zieker D., Beckert S., Symons S., Nieselt K., Glatzle J., Weyhern C. V., Brucher B. L., Claussen C. D., Konigsrainer A.
Clinical Significance of Splenic Hilar Lymph Node Metastasis in Proximal Gastric Cancer. - P.1304-1309
Інші автори: Shin S. H., Jung H., Choi S. H., An J. Y., Choi M. G., Noh J. H., Sohn T. S., Bae J. M., Kim S.
Abdominal Perineal Resection Improves Survival for Nonmetastatic Adenocarcinoma of the Anal Canal. - P.1310-1315
Інші автори: Kounalakis N., Artinyan A., Smith D., Mojica-M. P., Paz B., Lai L. L.
Total Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy Versus Abdominal Radical Hysterectomy with Lymphadenectomy in Patients with Early Cervical Cancer: Our Experience. - P.1316-1323
Інші автори: Malzoni M., Tinelli R., Cosentino F., Fusco A., Malzoni C.
Surgery for Recurrent Ovarian Cancer: Role of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis: Exploratory Analysis of the DESKTOP I Trial About Risk Factors, Surgical Implications, and Prognostic Value of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis. - P.1324-1330
Інші автори: Harter P., Hahmann M., Lueck H. J., Poelcher M., Wimberger P., Ortmann O., Canzler U., Richter B., Wagner U., Hasenburg A., Burges A., Loibl S., Meier W., Huober J., Fink D., Schroeder W., Muenstedt K., Schmalfeldt B., Emons G., Bois A. du
Decrease in Hemoglobin Levels Following Surgery Influences the Outcome in Head and Neck Cancer Patients Treated with Accelerated Postoperative Radiotherapy. - P.1331-1336
Інші автори: Pehlivan B., Zouhair A., Luthi F., Bron L., Pasche P., Dragusanu D., Azria D., Matzinger O., Mirimanoff R. O., Ozsahin M.
Feasibility and Efficacy of Accelerated Weekly Concomitant Boost Postoperative Radiation Therapy Combined with Concomitant Chemotherapy in Patients with Locally Advanced Head and Neck Cancer. - P.1337-1343
Інші автори: Pehlivan B., Luthi F., Matzinger O., Betz M., Dragusanu D., Bulling S., Bron L., Pasche P., Seelentag W., Mirimanoff R. O., Zouhair A., Ozsahin M.
Predictive Factors of Level IIb Lymph Node Metastasis in Patients with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma. - P.1344-1347
Інші автори: Koo B. S., Yoon Y.-H., Kim J.-M., Choi E. C., Lim Y. C.
Papillary Microcarcinoma of the Thyroid: Predicting Factors of Lateral Neck Node Metastasis. - P.1348-1355
Інші автори: Kwak J.Y., Kim E.-K., Kim M. J., Son E. J., Chung W. Y., Park C. S., Nam K.-H.
Role of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in the Staging of Synovial, Epithelioid, and Clear Cell Sarcomas. - P.1356-1363
Інші автори: Maduekwe U. N., Hornicek F. J., Springfield D. S., Raskin K. A., Harmon D. C., Choy E., Rosenberg A. E., Nielsen G. P., DeLaney T. F., Chen Y.-L., Ott M. J., Yoon S. S.
Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Surgery for Esophageal Adenocarcinoma: Prognostic Value of Circumferential Resection Margin and Stratification of N1 Category. - P.1364-1370
Інші автори: Saha A. K., Sutton C., Rotimi O., Dexter S., Sue-L. H., Sarela A. I.
Stroke Volume Variation as a Predictor of Intravascular Volume Depression and Possible Hypotension During the Early Postoperative Period After Esophagectomy. - P.1371-1377
Інші автори: Kobayashi M., Koh M., Irinoda T., Meguro E., Hayakawa Y., Takagane A.
Death-Associated Protein Kinase (DAPK) Promoter Methylation and Response to Neoadjuvant Radiochemotherapy in Esophageal Cancer. - P.1378-1383
Інші автори: Brabender J., Arbab D., Huan X., Vallbohmer D., Grimminger P., Ling F., Neiss S., Bollschweiler E., Schneider P. M., Holscher A. H., Metzger R.
Neoadjuvant Radiochemotherapy Increases Matrix Metalloproteinase Activity in Healthy Tissue in Esophageal Cancer Patients. - P.1384-1389
Інші автори: Rieff E.A., Hendriks T., Rutten H. J. T., Nieuwenhuijzen G. A. P., Gosens M. J. E. M., Brule A. J. C. van den, Nienhuijs S. W., Hingh I. H. J. T. de
h-prune Is an Independent Prognostic Marker for Survival in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. - P.1390-1396
Інші автори: Noguchi T., Oue N., Wada S., Sentani K., Sakamoto N., Kikuchi A., Yasui W.
A Preliminary Study on the Postoperative Survival of Patients Given Aspirin After Resection for Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Esophagus or Adenocarcinoma of the Cardia. - P.1397-1402
Інші автори: Liu J.-F., Jamieson G. G., Wu T.-C., Zhu G.-J., Drew P. A.
Combined IFN-γ–Endostatin Gene Therapy and Radiotherapy Attenuates Primary Breast Tumor Growth and Lung Metastases via Enhanced CTL and NK Cell Activation and Attenuated Tumor Angiogenesis in a Murine Model. - P.1403-1411
Інші автори: Liu L. L., Smith M. J., Sun B. S., Wang G. J., Redmond H. P., Wang J. H.
Serum Matrilysin Levels Predict Outcome in Curatively Resected Colorectal Cancer Patients. - P.1412-1420
Інші автори: Martinez-Fernandez A., Garcia-Albeniz X., Pineda E., Visa L., Gallego R., Codony-S. J., Auge J. M., Longaron R., Gascon P., Lacy A., Castells A., Maurel J.
MDR1/P-gp and VEGF Synergistically Enhance the Invasion of Hep-2 Cells with Multidrug Resistance Induced by Taxol. - P.1421-1428
Інші автори: Li L., Jiang A. C., Dong P., Wang H., Xu W., Xu C.
Barrett’s Esophagus in the Esophageal Remnant: A Critical Long-Term Complication of Subtotal Esophagectomy. - P.1429
Інші автори: D’Journo X. B., Ferraro P., Martin J., Duranceau A.
Rocha, Julio Rafael Mariano da. Barrett’s Esophagus and Carcinoma in the Esophageal Stump After Esophagectomy for Achalasia / J. R. M. da Rocha, U. Ribeiro, I. Cecconello. - P.1430-1431
Liakakos, T. Predicting Prognosis of Gastric Cancer: Limitations of Metastatic Lymph Nodes Number and Promise of Genomics / T. Liakakos, G. Karatzas. - P.1432-1433
Huang, Baojun. Gastric Cancer and Prediction of Prognosis / B. Huang. - P.1434
Inamoto, Teruo. Gemicitabine Resistence and Mesenchymal Phenotype / T. Inamoto, H. Azuma, Y. Katsuoka. - P.1435-1436
Ignantiadou, E. Stage IV Breast Cancer: Is Surgical Resection of Clinical Utility? / E. Ignantiadou, D. Ziogas, M. Fatouros. - P.1437-1438
Cady, Blake. Role of Primary-Site Surgery in Stage IV Breast Cancer / B. Cady. - P.1439
Fitzal, Florian. Planning Surgical Resection in Stage IV Breast Cancer Patients / F. Fitzal. - P.1440
Rao, Roshni. Author Reply: Surgery in Stage IV Breast Cancer Patients: Continued Controversy / R. Rao, G. Babiera. - P.1441
Kanellos, D. Assessing Potential Synergistic Effects of S-1 Plus Paclitaxel Chemotherapy in Gastric Cancer / D. Kanellos, I. Kanellos. - P.1442-1443
Sakurai, Yoichi. Neoadjuvant and Postoperative Adjuvant Anticancer Chemotherapy in Gastric Cancer / Y. Sakurai, I. Uyama. - P.1444-1445
Comment on “Extra-Intestinal Manifestations of Familial Adenomatous Polyposis”. - P.1446-1448
Інші автори: Cetta F., Dhamo A., Civitelli S., Zangari R.
Author Reply: Patients with Familial Adenomatous Polyposis. - P.1449-1450
Інші автори: Groen E. J., Roos A., Muntinghe F. L., Enting R. H., Vries J. de, Kleibeuker J. H., Witjes M. J. H., Links T. P., Beek A. P. van
Є примірники у відділах: всього 1 : ВКТ (1)
Вільні: ВКТ (1)


    USMLE. Step 1. 2018. Behavioral Science and Social Sciences : lecture notes / ed. by.: A. Akunyili [et al.]. - New York : Kaplan Medical USMLE, 2018. - 185 p. - ISBN 978-1-5062-2825-9
USMLE-United States Medical Licensing Examination
Переклад назви: USMLE (Медичний ліцензійний іспит Сполучених Штатів). Крок 1. 2018. Біхеворіальна (поведінкова) наука та соціальні науки: конспекти лекцій

Анотація: This book offers in-depth review with a focus on high-yield topics in every discipline – a comprehensive approach that will help you deepen your understanding while focusing your efforts where they'll count the most. Used by thousands of medical students each year to succeed on USMLE Step 1, Kaplan's official lecture notes are packed with full-color diagrams and clear review. The 7 volumes—Pathology, Pharmacology, Physiology, Biochemistry and Medical Genetics, Immunology and Microbiology, Anatomy, and Behavioral Science/Social Sciences—are updated annually by Kaplan's all-star expert faculty. The Best Review More than 2,700 pages covering every discipline you'll need on this section of the boards. Full-color diagrams and charts for better comprehension and retention. Clinical correlations and bridges between disciplines highlighted throughout. Chapter summary study guides at the end of every chapter for easier review. Up-To-Date Content Clinical updates included in all 7 volumes to align with recent changes. Organized in outline format with high-yield summary boxes for efficient study, including significant content reorganization and Recall questions in Physiology. New High Yield tags and Recall questions in Pharmacology and Biochemistry. New content in Behavioral Science and Microbiology, including flowcharts Kaplan Medical's USMLE Step 1 Lecture Notes 2018: Pharmacology offers in-depth review with a focus on high-yield topics – a comprehensive approach that will help you deepen your understanding while focusing your efforts where they'll count the most. Used by thousands of medical students each year to succeed on USMLE Step 1, Kaplan's official lecture notes are packed with full-color diagrams and clear review. The Best Review Organized in outline format with high-yield summary boxes for efficient study. Clinical correlations and bridges between disciplines highlighted throughout. Full-color diagrams and charts for better comprehension and retention. Updated annually by Kaplan's all-star expert faculty Part I: Epidemiology and Biostatistics Chapter 1: Epidemiology....... 3 Chapter 2: Biostatistics........25 Part II: Behavioral Science Chapter 3: Developmental Life Cycle.....53 Chapter 4: Theories of Learning and Behavioral Modification.. 61 Chapter 5: Defense Mechanisms...... 67 Chapter 6: Psychological Health and Testing.....73 Chapter 7: Substance Use Disorders ...... 79 Chapter 8: Sleep and Sleep Disorders.... 87 Chapter 9: Psychiatric (DSM-5) Disorders.... 93 Chapter 10: Psychopharmacology ..... 109 Chapter 11: Brain Function and Neurocognitive Disorders .... 115 Chapter 12: Ethics, Law, and Physician Behavior ..... 125 Chapter 13: Health Care Delivery Systems..... 145 Part III: Social Sciences Chapter 14: Basic Science of Patient Safety..... 149 Index.......... 177

Дод.точки доступу:
Akunyili, A. \ed.\; Conzalez-Mayo, A. \ed.\; Tyler-Lloyd, M. \ed.\; James, T. A. \ed.\
Примірників всього: 3
ЧЗ (2), НА (1)
Свободны: ЧЗ (2), НА (1)


    USMLE. Step 3. 2017-2018. Pediatrics. Obstetrics/Gynecology. Surgery. Epidemiology/Biostatistics. Patient Safety [Text] : lecture notes / ed. by.: E. Pino [et al.] ; contributors: Gynecology and Obstetrics J. M. Franasiak, J. P. Kesterson, Pediatrics H. Akhtar, Surgery G. Schwartz. - New York : Kaplan Medical USMLE, 2017. - 2505 p. - ISBN 978-1-5062-0957-9
USMLE-United States Medical Licensing Examination
Переклад назви: USMLE (Медичний ліцензійний іспит Сполучених Штатів). Крок 3. 2017-2018. Педіатрія. Акушерство/Гінекологія. Хірургія. Епідеміологія/Біостатистика. Безпека пацієнтів: конспекти лекцій

Анотація: The only official Kaplan Lecture Notes for USMLE Step 3 cover the comprehensive information you need to ace the exam. This 2-volume set is the perfect companion information you need to ace the exam. This 2-volume set is the perfect companion for Kaplan’s USMLE courses. Up-to-date. Updated biannually by Kaplan’s all-star faculty. This updated edition reflects the 2014 test change and includes more foundational medicine and systems-based practice/patient safety. Complete. Includes basic science correlates likely to be tested on the exam, patient management from the experts, patient safety, and population health. Learner-efficient. Case-based content (250+ in-depth cases) organized in outline format presents material for both the Foundations of Independent Practice (FIP) and Advanced Clinical Medicine (ACM) components of the exam Trusted. Used by thousands of students each year to succeed on the USMLE Step 3. Two volumes in set: Internal Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry, Ethics Pediatrics, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Surgery, Epidemiology, Patient Safety This collection of books assumes mastery of both Step 1 pre-clinical discipline-based and Step 2 CK clinical sciences content, both of which are covered in Kaplan's other Lecture Notes bundles. Contents Section I. Pediatrics......... i Chapter l. Pediatrics......... 3 Section II. Obstetrics and Gynecology...... 135 Chapter 2. Obstetrics........ 137 Chapter 3. Gynecology...... 195 Section III. Surgery....... 247 Chapter 4. Surgery......... 249 Section IV. Epidemiology and Biostatistics..... 343 Chapter 5. Epidemiology........ 345 Chapter 6. Biostatistics...... 385 Chapter 7. Interpretation of Medical Literature..... 399 Section V. Patient Safety and Quality Improvement.... 421 Chapter 8. Clinical Applications of Patient Safety and Quality Improvement ...... 423 Chapter 9. Population Health Management..... 451 Section VI. Medical Abbreviations.... ... 463 Chapter 10. Medical Abbreviations ....... 465

Дод.точки доступу:
Pino, E. \ed.\; Farooqui, A. \ed.\; Hill, M. N. \ed.\; Sakala, E. P. \ed.\; James, T. A. \ed.\
Примірників всього: 3
ЧЗ (2), НА (1)
Свободны: ЧЗ (2), НА (1)


    USMLE. Step 2 CK. 2018. Psychiatry, Epidemiology, Ethics, Patient Safety [Text] : lecture notes / ed. by.: A. Gonzalez-Mayo, T. A. James. - New York : Kaplan Medical USMLE, 2017. - 237 p. - ISBN 978-1-5062-2821-1
USMLE-United States Medical Licensing Examination. СK-Clinical Knowledge
Переклад назви: USMLE (Медичний ліцензійний іспит Сполучених Штатів). Крок 2 КЗ (Клінічні знання). 2018. Психіатрія, епідеміологія, етика, безпека пацієнтів: конспекти лекцій

Анотація: This publication is designed to provide accurate information in regard to the subject matter covered as of its publication date, with the understanding that knowledge and best practice constantly evolve. The publisher is not engaged in rendering medical, legal, accounting, or other professional service. If medical or legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. This publication is not intended for use in clinical practice or the delivery of medical care. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the Editors assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property arising out of or related to any use of the material contained in this book

Дод.точки доступу:
Gonzalez-Mayo, A. \ed.\; James, T. A. \ed.\
Примірників всього: 3
ЧЗ (2), НА (1)
Свободны: ЧЗ (2), НА (1)