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    Media and the Portuguese Empire [Electronic resource] / ed. Garcia, José Luís. [et al.]. - 1st ed. 2017. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - XVI, 355 p. - ISBN 9783319617923
Рубрики: EuropeHistory—1492-.



   Publishers and publishing.


   History of Modern Europe.

   Imperialism and Colonialism.

   Cultural History.

   Printing and Publishing.

   Media and Communication.

Анотація: This volume offers a new and innovative understanding of the role of the media in the Portuguese Empire during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It sheds light on the interactions between communications, government policy, economics, society and culture. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, the book focuses on varied themes including the expansion of printing, the development of newspapers and radio, state propaganda in metropolitan Portugal and within her colonies, censorship, the use of media by opposition and nationalist groups, and comparative developments within Britain and her empire. The book aims to encourage an understanding of the articulations and tensions between the different groups that participated, willingly or not, in the establishment, maintenance and overthrow of the Portuguese Empire in Angola, Mozambique, São Tomé e Príncipe, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, India, and East Timor.
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Garcia, José Luís. \ed.\; Kaul, Chandrika. \ed.\; Subtil, Filipa. \ed.\; Santos, Alexandra. \ed.\
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    La correspondance de jeunesse d’Henri Poincaré [Electronic resource] : les années de formation. De l'École polytechnique à l'École des Mines (1873-1878) / / ed. Rollet, Laurent. - 1st ed. 2017. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - LXXI, 455 p. 40 ill., 5 ill. en couleurs. - ISBN 9783319559599
Рубрики: Mathematics.


   History of Mathematical Sciences.

   History of Science.

   History of Modern Europe.

Анотація: Ce cinquième volume de la correspondance d’Henri Poincaré rassemble l’ensemble des lettres envoyées par le mathématicien à sa famille durant ses années de formation à l’École polytechnique puis à l’École des mines de Paris. De 1873 à 1878, Poincaré écrit plus de 300 lettres à sa mère, à sa sœur et à son père. Une part importante de cette correspondance concerne ses études pour devenir ingénieur. Poincaré évoque ainsi les différents événements – importants ou anodins – qui ponctuent son parcours de formation dans les deux écoles: les cours et les examens, les voyages d’études en France et à l’étranger, les relations avec les professeurs, les rituels étudiants, la naissance de ses ambitions mathématiques. Cependant, ces lettres de jeunesse permettent également de reconstituer les réseaux familiaux et amicaux de Poincaré ainsi que l’univers socio-culturel dans lequel il évolue dans les années 1870. Elles fourmillent donc de récits pittoresques sur ses visites mondaines, sur ses relations avec sa sœur ou ses amis d’enfance, sur ses loisirs ou sur ses convictions politiques. Ce corpus de lettres est constitué presque intégralement de lettres écrites par Poincaré et leur lecture permet de découvrir un autoportrait inédit et saisissant du futur mathématicien. Il intéressera autant les historiens des mathématiques que les biographes de Poincaré, les historiens de l’enseignement ou le grand public.
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Rollet, Laurent. \ed.\
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    The Balkans in the Cold War [Electronic resource] / ed. Rajak, Svetozar. [et al.]. - 1st ed. 2017. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - XXVI, 371 p. 1 illus. - ISBN 9781137439031
Рубрики: Russia—History.
   Europe, Eastern—History.


   World politics.

   Politics and war.

   Russian, Soviet, and East European History.

   History of Modern Europe.

   Political History.

   Military and Defence Studies.

Анотація: Positioned on the fault line between two competing Cold War ideological and military alliances, and entangled in ethnic, cultural and religious diversity, the Balkan region offers a particularly interesting case for the study of the global Cold War system. This book explores the origins, unfolding and impact of the Cold War on the Balkans on the one hand, and the importance of regional realities and pressures on the other. Fifteen contributors from history, international relations, and political science address a series of complex issues rarely covered in one volume, namely the Balkans and the creation of the Cold War order; Military alliances and the Balkans; uneasy relations with the Superpowers; Balkan dilemmas in the 1970s and 1980s and the ‘significant other’ – the EEC; and identity, culture and ideology. The book’s particular contribution to the scholarship of the Cold War is that it draws on extensive multi-archival research of both regional and American, ex-Soviet and Western European archives.
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Rajak, Svetozar. \ed.\; Botsiou, Konstantina E. \ed.\; Karamouzi, Eirini. \ed.\; Hatzivassiliou, Evanthis. \ed.\
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    Ionescu, Arleen.
    The Memorial Ethics of Libeskind's Berlin Jewish Museum [Electronic resource] / Arleen. Ionescu ; . - 1st ed. 2017. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - XIII, 305 p. 2 illus. in color. - ISBN 9781137538314
Рубрики: Civilization—History.

   Judaism and culture.



   Cultural History.

   Memory Studies.

   Jewish Cultural Studies.

   Architectural History and Theory.

   History of Modern Europe.

Анотація: This book is a detailed critical study of Libeskind’s Berlin Jewish Museum in its historical, architectural and philosophical context. Emphasizing how the Holocaust changed our perception of history, memory, witnessing and representation, it develops the notion of ‘memorial ethics’ to explore the Museum’s difference from more conventional post-World War Two commemorative sites. The main focus is on the Museum as an experience of the materiality of trauma which engages the visitor in a performative duty to remember. Arleen Ionescu builds on Levinas’s idea of ‘ethics as optics’ to show how Libeskind’s Museum becomes a testimony to the unpresentable Other. Ionescu also extends the Museum’s experiential dimension by proposing her own subjective walk through Libeskind’s space reimagined as a ‘literary museum’. Featuring reflections on texts by Beckett, Celan, Derrida, Kafka, Blanchot, Wiesel and Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger (Celan’s cousin), this virtual tour concludes with a brief account of Libeskind’s analogous ‘healing project’ for Ground Zero.
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Ionescu, Arleen. \.\
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    Ellis, Heather.
    Masculinity and Science in Britain, 1831–1918 [Electronic resource] / Heather. Ellis ; . - 1st ed. 2017. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - XII, 240 p. - ISBN 9781137311740
Рубрики: Great Britain—History.
   Social history.




   History of Britain and Ireland.

   Social History.

   History of Science.

   Gender Studies.

   History of Modern Europe.

Анотація: This book offers the first in-depth study of the masculine self-fashioning of scientific practitioners in nineteenth and early twentieth-century Britain. Focusing on the British Association for the Advancement of Science, founded in 1831, it explores the complex and dynamic shifts in the public image of the British ‘man of science’ and questions the status of the natural scientist as a modern masculine hero. Until now, science has been examined by cultural historians primarily for evidence about the ways in which scientific discourses have shaped prevailing notions about women and supported the growth of oppressive patriarchal structures. This volume, by contrast, offers the first in-depth study of the importance of ideals of masculinity in the construction of the male scientist and British scientific culture in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. From the eighteenth-century identification of the natural philosopher with the reclusive scholar, to early nineteenth-century attempts to reinvent the scientist as a fashionable gentleman, to his subsequent reimagining as the epitome of Victorian moral earnestness and meritocracy, Heather Ellis analyzes the complex and changing public image of the British ‘man of science’.
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Ellis, Heather. \.\
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    Farrell, Mel.
    Party Politics in a New Democracy [Electronic resource] : the Irish Free State, 1922-37 / / Mel. Farrell ; . - 1st ed. 2017. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - XIV, 332 p. 20 illus., 3 illus. in color. - ISBN 9783319635859
Рубрики: Great Britain—History.

   World politics.

   Social history.

   Military history.

   History of Britain and Ireland.

   History of Modern Europe.

   Political History.

   Social History.

   History of Military.

Анотація: This book offers a timely, and fresh historical perspective on the politics of independent Ireland. Interwar Ireland’s politics have been caricatured as an anomaly, with the distinction between Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael bewildering political commentators and scholars alike. It is common for Ireland’s politics to be presented as an anomaly that compare unfavourably to the neat left/right cleavages evident in Britain and much of Europe. By offering an historical re-appraisal of the Irish Free State’s politics, anchored in the wider context of inter-war Europe, Mel Farrell argues that the Irish party system is not unique in having two dominant parties capable of adapting to changing circumstances, and suggests that this has been a key strength of Irish democracy. Moreover, the book challenges the tired cliché of ‘Civil War Politics’ by demonstrating that events subsequent to Civil War led the Fine Gael/Fianna Fáil cleavage dominant in the twentieth-century. .
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Farrell, Mel. \.\
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    Caines, Eric.
    Heath and Thatcher in Opposition [Electronic resource] / Eric. Caines ; . - 1st ed. 2017. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - XIV, 314 p. - ISBN 9781137602466
Рубрики: Great Britain—History.
   World politics.


   Great Britain—Politics and government.

   History, Modern.

   History of Britain and Ireland.

   Political History.

   History of Modern Europe.

   British Politics.

   Modern History.

Анотація: This book traces how Edward Heath and Margaret Thatcher, during their respective years as Conservative Opposition Leaders (1965-70 and 1975-79), managed their Party’s attempts to ensure a return to government, each after two electoral defeats. They did so in the context of an emergent New Conservatism, championed by the likes of Enoch Powell, Keith Joseph and Nigel Lawson, which betokened a long-term change from the post-war Butskellite settlement. Against a national background of declining economic status, high inflation, debilitating public sector strikes and internal Conservative Party debates, particularly over industrial relations policy and monetarism, they adopted strikingly different approaches to policy-making in Opposition. The book illustrates how, paradoxically, Heath’s technocratic over-prescription failed to save his eventual premiership, while Thatcher’s under-committed policy design failed to impede her leading a purposeful and transformative government i n the 1980s.
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Caines, Eric. \.\
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    Meeks, Joshua.
    France, Britain, and the Struggle for the Revolutionary Western Mediterranean [Electronic resource] / Joshua. Meeks ; . - 1st ed. 2017. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - IX, 212 p. - ISBN 9783319440781
Рубрики: EuropeHistory—1492-.
   Military history.


   World politics.

   History of Early Modern Europe.

   History of Military.

   History of France.

   Political History.

   History of Modern Europe.

Анотація: This book investigates the conflict over control over the Western Mediterranean in the late eighteenth-century. The Western Mediterranean during the 1790s featured a constant struggle for control over the region. While most histories point to military events such as the Italian Campaign as descriptive of this struggle between the two competing ideological forces of Revolutionary France and the Counter-Revolutionary First Coalition led by Britain, this book takes a different approach. Rather than looking at the struggle between ideologies, this book looks at the struggle within those ideologies, arguing that the Western Mediterranean states were not simply the battlefields or the prizes of the struggle, but were active participants with goals of autonomy or neutrality. The focus stretches beyond conflict between France and Britain, into the adaptation of ideology for different uses in Tuscany, Toulon, Algiers, Spain, and especially Corsica.
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Meeks, Joshua. \.\
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    Herrero Pérez, Pérez, José Vicente.
    The Spanish Military and Warfare from 1899 to the Civil War [Electronic resource] : the Uncertain Path to Victory / / Pérez, José Vicente. Herrero Pérez ; . - 1st ed. 2017. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - XVII, 355 p. - ISBN 9783319547473
Рубрики: EuropeHistory—1492-.
   Military history.

   World War, 1939-1945.

   History, Modern.

   Politics and war.

   History of Modern Europe.

   History of Military.

   History of World War II and the Holocaust.

   Modern History.

   Military and Defence Studies.

Анотація: This book explores the attitudes of the Spanish army officer corps towards the evolution of warfare during the early decades of the twentieth century, and their influence on the armies of the Spanish Civil War. It examines how the Spanish military coped with technological innovations such as the machine gun and the tank, how it adapted the army´s battlefield doctrine to changes in warfare before the Civil War, and the influence of this doctrine on the outcome of the conflict. Of the different armed forces that fought in the Spanish Civil War, it is paradoxically the Spanish army that remains most forgotten - especially its military doctrine. Scholarship on the Spanish military in this period focuses on its politics, ideology and institutional reforms, touching upon 'hard' professional issues only superficially, if at all. Based on original research and using largely unstudied Spanish primary sources, this book fills a major scholarly gap in the history of the Spanish army and the Spanish Civil War.
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Herrero Pérez, José Vicente. \.\
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    Lohman, Kirsty.
    The Connected Lives of Dutch Punks [Electronic resource] : contesting Subcultural Boundaries / / Kirsty. Lohman ; . - 1st ed. 2017. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - XIII, 227 p. 2 illus. in color. - ISBN 9783319510798
Рубрики: EuropeHistory—1492-.

   Social history.


   Popular Culture.

   History of Modern Europe.

   Memory Studies.

   Social History.

   Cultural History.

   Popular Culture .

Анотація: This book is the first in-depth, ethnographic study of the Dutch punk scene. It questions the artificial boundaries of subcultural research, calling for a critical analysis of the distinctions drawn between subcultural and everyday lives, and between localised and globalised subcultures. The everyday experiences of punk are framed within the mobile and connected global subculture of which they are a part. It traces its emergence in the 1970s and its development through to 2010, with chapters that map Dutch punk historically and spatially. Further chapters explore the meanings and practices attached to punk by its participants before focusing in particular on the political affiliations of punks. This book argues for an approach to social research that recognises the ‘messiness’ and the ‘connectedness’ of punk and of the social world.
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Lohman, Kirsty. \.\
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    Timpe, Julia.
    Nazi-Organized Recreation and Entertainment in the Third Reich [Electronic resource] / Julia. Timpe ; . - 1st ed. 2017. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - XI, 254 p. - ISBN 9781137531933
Рубрики: World War, 1939-1945.
   Social history.

   Europe, Central—History.



   History of World War II and the Holocaust.

   Social History.

   History of Germany and Central Europe.

   Cultural History.

   History of Modern Europe.

Анотація: This book explores the activities of the Nazi regime’s vast leisure programme. Shortly after coming to power in Germany, it began a large-scale undertaking to bring happiness and a good life to so-called ‘Aryan’ Germans, carried out by the Nazi leisure organization Kraft durch Freude. Julia Timpe traces Kraft durch Freude’s practices and propaganda from 1933 through the Second World War, and analyses Nazi-organized sports classes, entertainment events, and beautification campaigns for industrial sites and the countryside, as well as Kraft durch Freude’s activities in entertaining German soldiers and concentration camp guards. Contributing to newer scholarship which focuses on the integratory force of the Nazi promise of a unified ‘racial community’ of all ‘Aryan’ Germans, this book highlights that Kraft durch Freude’s ‘everyday production of joy’ was central to Nazism, closely connected to the destructive side of the Third Reich, and ultimately a major reason for Nazism’s success among the German population.
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Timpe, Julia. \.\
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    Summers, Anne.
    Christian and Jewish Women in Britain, 1880-1940 [Electronic resource] : living with Difference / / Anne. Summers ; . - 1st ed. 2017. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - XI, 240 p. 10 illus. - ISBN 9783319421506
Рубрики: Great Britain—History.

   Judaism and culture.

   Gender identity—Religious aspects.


   History of Britain and Ireland.

   History of Modern Europe.

   Jewish Cultural Studies.

   Religion and Gender.

   Gender Studies.

Анотація: This book offers an entirely new contribution to the history of multiculturalism in Britain, 1880-1940. It shows how friendship and co-operation between Christian and Jewish women changed lives and, as the Second World War approached, actually saved them. The networks and relationships explored include the thousand-plus women from every district in Manchester who combined to send a letter of sympathy to the Frenchwoman at the heart of the Dreyfus Affair; the religious leagues for women’s suffrage who initiated the first interfaith campaigning movement in British history; the collaborations, often problematic, on refugee relief in the 1930s; the close ties between the founder of Liberal Judaism in Britain, and the wife of the leader of the Labour Party, between the wealthy leader of the Zionist women’s movement and a passionate socialist woman MP. A great variety of sources are thoughtfully interrogated, and concluding remarks address some of the social concerns of the present century.
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Summers, Anne. \.\
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    Todd, Lisa M.
    Sexual Treason in Germany during the First World War [Electronic resource] / Lisa M. Todd ; . - 1st ed. 2017. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - XIII, 227 p. - ISBN 9783319515144
Рубрики: EuropeHistory—1492-.
   Europe, Central—History.


   Social history.

   Military history.

   History of Modern Europe.

   History of Germany and Central Europe.

   Gender Studies.

   Social History.

   History of Military.

Анотація: This book is the first comprehensive study of sexual lives in Germany and occupied Europe during the First World War. Reconsidering sex in war brings to life a whole cast of characters too often left out of the historical narrative: widowed women who worked as prostitutes, fresh-faced recruits who experienced the war in a VD hospital, eugenicists who conflated sex and national decline, soldiers’ wives ostracized by neighbourhood rumour mills. By considering the confluence of public discourse, state policy, and everyday life, Lisa M. Todd adds to the growing body of knowledge on war and society in the twentieth century. By incorporating the 1914-1918 experience into the longer frame of the pre-war sex reform movement and the post-war Allied occupation of the Rhineland, this book is able to more fully evaluate the impact of the war years on the history of intimate relations in early twentieth-century Germany.
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Todd, Lisa M. \.\
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    Healy, Róisín.
    Poland in the Irish Nationalist Imagination, 1772–1922 [Electronic resource] : anti-Colonialism within Europe / / Róisín. Healy ; . - 1st ed. 2017. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - XI, 321 p. 3 illus. - ISBN 9783319434315
Рубрики: Great Britain—History.
   World history.



   World politics.

   History of Britain and Ireland.

   World History, Global and Transnational History.

   Imperialism and Colonialism.

   History of Modern Europe.

   Political History.

Анотація: This book explores the assertions made by Irish nationalists of a parallel between Ireland under British rule and Poland under Russian, Prussian and Austrian rule in the long nineteenth century. Poland loomed large in the Irish nationalist imagination, despite the low level of direct contact between Ireland and Poland up to the twenty-first century. Irish men and women took a keen interest in Poland and many believed that its experience mirrored that of Ireland. This view rested primarily on a historical coincidence—the loss of sovereignty suffered by Poland in the final partition of 1795 and by Ireland in the Act of Union of 1801, following unsuccessful rebellions. It also drew on a common commitment to Catholicism and a shared experience of religious persecution. This study shows how this parallel proved politically significant, allowing Irish nationalists to challenge the legitimacy of British rule in Ireland by arguing that British governments were hypocritical to condemn in Poland what they themselves practised in Ireland.
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Healy, Róisín. \.\
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    Leigh, Jeffrey T.
    Austrian Imperial Censorship and the Bohemian Periodical Press, 1848–71 [Electronic resource] : the Baneful Work of the Opposition Press is Fearsome / / Jeffrey T. Leigh ; . - 1st ed. 2017. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - XV, 330 p. - ISBN 9783319558806
Рубрики: Europe, Central—History.

   Publishers and publishing.




   History of Germany and Central Europe.

   Printing and Publishing.

   Cultural History.

   History of Modern Europe.

   Imperialism and Colonialism.

Анотація: This book analyzes the conduct of press policy in Bohemia from the Revolutions of 1848 through the period of the Tábory, 1867-71. In the aftermath of the revolutions, the Habsburg state, far from constituting an historical relic, proved itself boldly innovative, inaugurating liberal reforms, most importantly the rule of law. While the reforms helped it to survive its immediate challenges, they nonetheless, quite paradoxically, created an environment in which the periodical press continued to advance perspectives emblematic of the revolution, even during the era of Neoabsolutism. This new legal environment fostered the rise of the bourgeois public sphere, as theorized by Jürgen Habermas, and the very political movements that would contribute to its demise, as signaled in the Tábory campaign of 1867-71. At the nexus of civil society and the state stood the provincial Habsburg officials responsible for public order and security. Their experience was one of endeavoring to balance the ideals of the rule of law imposed by the Imperial center and their own vital concerns regarding the survival of the Monarchy. This work, for the first time, concentrates on the role of these officials who determined what would—and would not—appear in print. .
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Leigh, Jeffrey T. \.\
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    Brunet, Luc-André.
    Forging Europe: Industrial Organisation in France, 1940–1952 [Electronic resource] / Luc-André. Brunet ; . - 1st ed. 2017. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - XII, 296 p. - ISBN 9781349951987
Рубрики: France—History.
   History, Modern.

   Social history.

   Economic history.


   Cities and towns—History.

   History of France.

   Modern History.

   Social History.

   Economic History.

   History of Modern Europe.

   Urban History.

Анотація: This book is a detailed and original look at the radical reorganisation of French heavy industry in the turbulent period between the establishment of the Vichy regime in 1940 and the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), the forerunner to the European Union, in 1952. By studying institutions ranging from Vichy’s Organisation Committees to Jean Monnet’s Commissariat Général du Plan (CGP), Luc-André Brunet challenges existing narratives and reveals significant continuities from Vichy to post-war initiatives such as the Monnet Plan and the ECSC. Based on extensive multi-archival research, this book sheds important new light on economic collaboration and resistance in Vichy, the post-war revival of the French economy, and the origins of European integration.
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Brunet, Luc-André. \.\
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    Davis, James Colin.
    Alternative Worlds Imagined, 1500-1700 [Electronic resource] : essays on Radicalism, Utopianism and Reality / / James Colin. Davis ; . - 1st ed. 2017. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - VIII, 246 p. - ISBN 9783319622323
Рубрики: Intellectual life—History.
   Great Britain—History.


   World politics.

   Intellectual Studies.

   History of Britain and Ireland.

   History of Early Modern Europe.

   History of Modern Europe.

   Political History.

Анотація: This book address the relationship between utopian and radical thought, particularly in the early modern period, and puts forward alternatives approaches to imagined ‘realities’. Alternative Worlds Imagined, 1500-1700 explores the nature and meaning of radicalism in a traditional society; the necessity of fiction both in rejecting and constructing the status quo; and the circumstances in which radical and utopian fictions appear to become imperative. In particular, it closely examines non-violence in Gerrard Winstanley’s thought; millennialism and utopianism as mutual critiques; form and substance in early modern utopianism/radicalism; Thomas More’s utopian theatre of interests; and James Harrington and the political necessity of narrative fiction. This detailed analysis underpins observations about the longer term historical significance and meaning of both radicalism and utopianism.
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Davis, James Colin. \.\
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    The Jew as Legitimation [Electronic resource] : jewish-Gentile Relations Beyond Antisemitism and Philosemitism / / ed. Wertheim, David J. - 1st ed. 2017. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - XV, 304 p. 1 illus. in color. - ISBN 9783319426013
Рубрики: Judaism and culture.


   Jewish Cultural Studies.

   History of Modern Europe.

   Comparative Religion.

Анотація: This book traces the historical phenomenon of “the Jew as Legitimation.” Contributors discuss how Jews have been used, through time, to validate non-Jewish beliefs. The volume dissects the dilemmas and challenges this pattern has presented to Jews. Throughout history, Jews and Judaism have served to legitimize the beliefs of Gentiles. Jews functioned as Augustine’s witnesses to the truth of Christianity, as Christian Kabbalist’s source for Protestant truths, as an argument for the enlightened claim for tolerance, as the focus of modern Christian Zionist reverence, and as a weapon of contemporary right wing populism against fears of Islamization. This volume challenges understandings of Jewish-Gentile relations, offering a counter-perspective to discourses of antisemitism and philosemitism. .
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Wertheim, David J. \ed.\
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    The Changing Place of Europe in Global Memory Cultures [Electronic resource] : usable Pasts and Futures / / ed.: Kraenzle, Christina., Mayr, Maria. - 1st ed. 2017. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - XIII, 248 p. 11 illus., 4 illus. in color. - ISBN 9783319391526
Рубрики: Ethnology—Europe.


   World history.

   Culture—Study and teaching.


   European Culture.

   Memory Studies.

   Cultural Anthropology.

   World History, Global and Transnational History.

   Cultural Theory.

   History of Modern Europe.

Анотація: 'Christina Kraenzle and Maria Mayr’s edited volume, The Changing Place of Europe in Global Memory Cultures, is a needed contribution to the growing literature on Europeanization of memories, focusing especially on the “imaginative arts.” This book is at the cutting edge of theoretical and empirical research in memory studies, taking concepts like “multi-directional” and “travelling” memory seriously and problematizing notions of globalization, cosmopolitanization, and transnationalism. The contributions represent a wide range of disciplinary sensibilities, regions within Europe (Catalonia, Germany, Romania, Belgium, Austria, and Switzerland), and beyond (Canada, China), and texts (museums, memorials, film, novels).' – Eric Langenbacher, Georgetown University, USA This book investigates the transnational dimensions of European cultural memory and how it contributes to the construction of new non-, supra, and post-national, but also national, memory narratives. The volume considers how these narratives circulate not only within Europe, but also through global interactions with other locations. The Changing Place of Europe in Global Memory Cultures responds to recent academic calls to break with methodological nationalism in memory studies. Taking European memory as a case study, the book offers new empirical and theoretical insights into the transnational dimensions of cultural memory, without losing sight of the continued relevance of the nation. The articles critically examine the ways in which various individuals, organizations, institutions, and works of art are mobilizing future-oriented memories of Europe to construct new memory narratives. Taking into account the heterogeneity and transnational locations of commemorative groups, the multidirectionality of acts of remembrance, and a variety of commemorative media such as museums, film, photography, and literature, the volume not only investigates how memory discourses circulate within Europe, but also how they are being transferred, translated, or transformed through global interactions beyond the European continent. .
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Дод.точки доступу:
Kraenzle, Christina. \ed.\; Mayr, Maria. \ed.\
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    Witchcraft and Demonology in Hungary and Transylvania [Electronic resource] / ed.: Klaniczay, Gábor., Pócs, Éva. - 1st ed. 2017. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - XIV, 412 p. - ISBN 9783319547565
Рубрики: EuropeHistory—1492-.
   Europe, Central—History.


   Europe, Eastern—History.


   History of Early Modern Europe.

   History of Germany and Central Europe.

   History of Modern Europe.

   Russian, Soviet, and East European History.

   Cultural History.

Анотація: This book provides a selection of studies on witchcraft and demonology by those involved in an interdisciplinary research group begun in Hungary thirty years ago. They examine urban and rural witchcraft conflicts from early modern times to the present, from a region hitherto rarely taken into consideration in witchcraft research. Special attention is given to healers, midwives, and cunning folk, including archaic sorcerer figures such as the táltos; whose ambivalent role is analysed in social, legal, medical and religious contexts. This volume examines how waves of persecution emerged and declined, and how witchcraft was decriminalised. Fascinating case-studies on vindictive witch-hunters, quarrelling neighbours, rivalling midwives, cunning shepherds, weather magician impostors, and exorcist Franciscan friars provide a colourful picture of Hungarian and Transylvanian folk beliefs and mythologies, as well as insights into historical and contemporary issues.
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Дод.точки доступу:
Klaniczay, Gábor. \ed.\; Pócs, Éva. \ed.\
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