Шифр: МУ7/2020/2

Медична освіта : наук.-практ. журн./ МОЗ України, ТДМУ ім. І. Я. Горбачевського (Т.), Київська мед. акад. післядиплом. освіти ім. П.Л. Шупика. - Тернопіль : Укрмедкнига, 1999 - . - ISSN 16812751. - Виходить кожного кварталу
2020р. N 2
Beck, G. Teaching and assessment strategies in online foreign languages distance learning / G. Beck, O. M. Tsaryk, N. V. Rybina. - С.6-13
Bilavych, H. V. The contribution of doctors, members of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv to the development of Ukrainian education, science and literature (late XIX - early XX century) / H. V. Bilavych [и др.]. - С.14-19
Інші автори: Bahriy M.A., Bilavych I.V., Savchuk B.P., Fedchyshyn N.O.
Demianchuk, M. R. Analysis of the results of studying vocational training of future junior specialists in nursing in colleges / M. R. Demianchuk. - С.20-24
Fedchyshyn, N. O. Herbart and herbartianism in european pedagogy: history and modernity / N. O. Fedchyshyn, E. Protner. - С.25-31
Fedchyshyn, N. O. Distance learning of future doctors in foreign language: challenges of time / N. O. Fedchyshyn [и др.]. - С.32-39
Інші автори: Yelahina N.I., Permyakova O.H., Permyakova O.H.
Hantimurova, N. I. Model of learning foreign students in higher medical institutions: analysis of "KROK" examination results / N. I. Hantimurova. - С.40-45
Hnatiuk, M. S. Mastering endoscopic surgery skills by surgeons / M. S. Hnatiuk [и др.]. - С.46-49
Інші автори: Slabyi O.B., Tatarchuk L.V., Pokhodun K.A.
Humeniuk, V. V. Methodological principles of formation of readiness of future masters of medicine for pedagogical activities / V. V. Humeniuk. - С.50-55
Humenna, I. R. The moral principles formation of future doctors during the educational process / I. R. Humenna, Ya. M. Nakhaieva. - С.56-60
Khrystenko, O. M. The ideological foundations of the professional training of modern doctors: philisophical and bioethical aspects / O. M. Khrystenko. - С.61-64
Kichula, M. Ya. Medical students' foreign language communicative competence as a component of professional training / M. Ya. Kichula. - С.65-70
Kolesnyk, M. Yu. The first experience of using the Body Interact simulation interactive training platform as a part of interns' attestation / M. Yu. Kolesnyk. - С.71-74
Koshil, N. Ye. Linguistic features of the student abstract as a specific part of the educational process / N. Ye. Koshil, N. V. Rybina, O. S. Hyryla. - С.75-79
Kotsyuba, R. B. Formation of foreign language communication competence of future medical specialists through information and communication technologies (foreign experience) / R. B. Kotsyuba, I. A. Prokop. - С.80-86
Melnychuk, I. M. Peculiarities of creating interactive educational environment in vocational training of future madical specialists / I. M. Melnychuk. - С.87-91
Nakhaieva, Ya. M. The formation of terminological competence of future doctors during studying humanities / Ya. M. Nakhaieva, I. R. Humenna. - С.92-95
Oliynyk, N. M. The role of higher education in the formation of students' healthy lifestyle / N. M. Oliynyk [и др.]. - С.96-102
Інші автори: Kravets N.Ya., Pokryshko O.V., Yelahina N.I.
Palasiuk, H. B. Etymological aspects of developing future physicians' terminological competence as a pedagogical problem / H. B. Palasiuk, O. D. Kolodnytska. - С.103-107
Prokop, I. A. Latin sayings as an educational aspect for medical students / I. A. Prokop, T. V. Savaryn, H. I. Navolska. - С.108-112
Protsyk, H. M. Development of students' cognitive activity / H. M. Protsyk. - С.113-121
Rebukha, L. Z. The importance of training technologies in the formation of intercultural competence of future socio-humanitarian professions / L. Z. Rebukha, N. Rambu. - С.122-126
Rozlutska, G. M. Education traditions of public schools children healthy lifestyle in transcarpathia (1919-1939) / G. M. Rozlutska, M. O. Sokol, O. M. Denizci. - С.127-132
Sopiha, M. O. Socio-psychological methods of providing the education quality of future doctors / M. O. Sopiha, O. I. Pylypyshyn. - С.133-136
Synyshyna, V. M. Conceptual foundations of professional training of future practical psychologists / V. M. Synyshyna. - С.137-141
Ulishchenko, V. V. Features of implementation of the competence approach to the study of clinical anatomy in medical school / V. V. Ulishchenko, V. H. Cherkasov, M. R. Ihnatishchev. - С.142-147
Vorona, I. I. Latin as a component of future nursers' professional education / I. I. Vorona, I. I. Vorona. - С.148-152
Vykhrushch, A. V. Methodology and methods: current issues of theory and practice / A. V. Vykhrushch. - С.153-160
Zalipska, I. Ya. Distance learning of "Ukrainian language (by professional direction)" of students of medical specialties / I. Ya. Zalipska. - С.161-166
Beck, G. "Indication - qualification - frustration?”: teaching “German for healthcare professions” / G. Beck. - С.167-172
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