Форма документа : Стаття із журналу
Шифр видання :
Автор(и) : Vizir V. A., Sadomov A. S., Nasonenko O. V.
Назва : Features of blood pressure variability and arterial stiffness in hypertensive men with androgen defi ciency
Паралельн. назви :Особливості варіабельності артеріального тиску та жорсткості артерій у чоловіків із гіпертонічною хворобою ІІ стадії на тлі андрогенного дефіциту
Місце публікування : Запорож. мед. журн.: науч.-практ. журн./ ЗГМУ. - Запорожье: ЗГМУ, 2016. - N 4. - С. 16-20. - ISSN 2306-4145 (Шифр ЗУ1/2016/4). - ISSN 2306-4145
Анотація: Male sex has long been argued as a strong risk factor for arterial hypertension. Noteworthy is that available data support the negative impact of low testosterone on male cardiovascular health. Objective. This study was designed to assess characteristics of circadian blood pressure and arterial stiffness in hypertensive men with and without testosterone deficiency. Materials and methods. A total of 60 male hypertensive patients aged above 45 years were screened on androgen deficiency symptoms via Male andropause symptoms self-assessment questionnaire (MASSQ). 42 subjects with suspected low testosterone level were recruited into the study for subsequent total testosterone (TT) measurement. 24 h BP monitoring was carried out for all participants. Aortic stiffness was assessed using BPLab Vasotens System (cuff-based oscillometry method). Results. 43 % of patients had biochemically confirmed low testosterone level. The total score of MASSQ in this group was significantly higher compared to patients with normal testosterone. The decreasing of TT concentration with age was detected. The low TT group was characterized by significantly higher values of 24 h systolic blood pressure (SBP) and pulse pressure (PP) values. The lower testosterone appears to be associated with prevalence of “non-dipper” pattern. The results of the multiple regression analysis revealed the relationship between plasma testosterone levels and SBP values in both study groups, while the relationship between testosterone and DBP values was not significant. A significant relationship was also found in each group between TT and PWV. Conclusion. The study revealed the high prevalence of androgen deficiency among hypertensive middle-aged men. These patients are characterized by higher BP values compared to those with normal TT levels in the same age range. Low TT concentration may be considered also as the contributor of increased arterial stiffness in hypertensive males.

Дод.точки доступу:
Sadomov, A. S.; Nasonenko, O. V.