D 88

    Dulucq, Jean- Louis.
    Tips and Techniques in Laparoscopic Surgery [Electronic resource] : учебник / Jean- Louis Dulucq. - 15,6 МБ. - [S. l.] : Springer, 2004. - 1 эл. опт. диск (CD-ROM). - Систем. вимоги: Adobe Reader 7.0. - (в кор.)
Переклад назви: Техника в лапароскопической хирургии

Анотація: This comprehensive manual demonstrates basic laparoscopic techniques step-wise, with emphasis on practical details and tips. Every procedure is described in six main steps, richly illustrated with actual operative images and explicit sketches. A DVD-ROM with videos is included. Special emphasis is given to the right way to perform the techniques and the dangers to be avoided. Reading this book, the laparoscopic surgeon will have a practical and complete overview of the array of procedures.

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